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Why companies fail because of agility

What are the reasons why companies fail at agility?

Our article presents the Top 10 agility obstacles in companies and organizations. Learn which measures you can take to make your company agile.

Shift to an agile culture now….

Agility in companies – How agile is your organization?

Do months or even more than half a year pass before desired changes actually arrive as results in the company and at the customer?

If you recognize yourself in such scenarios, your company is at least currently extremely limited or probably not agile at all.

We’ll show you how to go about changing that and moving to an agile organization.

This is how you bring start-up wind into your established company:

In the case of young companies such as startups, digitization or the establishment of agile methodology is often not required at all or even to the extent described. Agile methodology always has a positive impact on organizations, it’s just that many startups already intuitively or purposefully apply this so elementary work culture.

Reasons are:

  • Digital natives find it easy to get to grips with the latest technology.
  • Start-ups are usually organizationally small companies with flat hierarchies, modern thinking and few competence/business areas.
  • New strategies and changes are much easier to implement.
  • Consistent digitization is already in place when the company is founded and is therefore a matter of course for every employee right from the start.
  • Startups consistently rely on DevOps strategies and new technologies from the very beginning.
  • Startups operate intuitively or through agile cultures shaped by the startup initiators as digital leaders and are particularly agile in collaboration, or the startup is already based on an agile organizational model modeled on Spotify.

Do cross-functional teams work together cooperatively in your company?

Does your organization already benefit from the collaboration of cross-functional teams?

Successful digital companies leverage consistent collaboration in cross-functional teams.

This influences the division of labor between the regular corporate functions in terms of a strong expression of project-based collaboration across classic organizational departmental boundaries and oriented toward a central success factor.

Establish agility with cross-functional teams - How to make your company agile

Establish agility with cross-functional teams – How to make your company agile

Impartiality & ingenuity are always a real asset!

Be inspired by the spirit, energy and ingenuity – and also the impartiality – of startups …
Break free from stalled processes and actively engage with your agile teams about your business and its associated strengths and weaknesses!
Put on the customer glasses and, above all, actively engage your customers and partners in your business optimization.

Agile companies have a vision and agile strategies

A cross-organizational vision requires strategic decisions about products or services, such as setting priorities, determining when to phase out product releases, or discontinuing functionality.

In software development, this requires the involvement of the software architects and the software development teams or even the management board and other cross-product teams. The same applies to product strategies and service strategies.

Does your organization have a product / service roadmap?

Many decisions are made in dialog between specialists or managers and are not recorded.

Agile collaboration tools such as Confluence provide effective support here in a variety of ways. Support your people, teams and processes and with agile tools. Effectively remedy this by empowering employees to act independently, proactively and agilely.

Are you living excellent digital leadership?

For a company, excellent digital leadership means nothing less than taking the lead in commercially important areas of expertise with digital strategies.

Leadership role in digitization

With the Chief Information Officer (CIO) and the Chief Digital Officer (CDO), we present the role and tasks of the central key figures in detail.

Agile emergency management

Can your organization respond agilely to emergency situations?

A functioning emergency management system should ensure the continuity of business operations in the event of emergencies. Carefully prepared emergency management enables organizations to respond appropriately and effectively when critical business processes are disrupted.

Components of emergency management are emergency preparedness and emergency response.

Ransomware & cybercrime require agile prevention measures

With rapidly increasing threats regarding ransomware and cybercrime, the probability for any organization to be affected by a cyber-attack itself has increased significantly.

But regular IT failure scenarios should also be prudently anticipated so that employees in your organization can make the right decisions and take important steps to minimize the extent of damage when emergency situations arise.

Especially when realigning towards an agile process organization, it is essential to deal with the components of emergency management.

What are the reasons why organizations fail to establish agile working models?

The following checklist is intended to support companies in consciously confronting disruptive factors and obstacles to agility in order to eliminate them at an early stage or, at best, to proactively prevent them:

Top 10 checklist agility obstacles

The most common factors that prevent agility in an organization:

  • Change Resistance
  • Poorly defined or coordinated processes
  • Homogeneous teams, lack of interdisciplinarity
  • Poorly defined responsibilities
  • Inappropriate role definition leading to broad and costly process interfaces
  • Rigid goals dictated from above / predominant prioritization share
  • Non-functioning feedback culture
  • Disrespect for value within and between teams
  • Lack of knowledge regarding agile methods and processes
  • Factors that jeopardize the acceptance of direct user involvement: Keyword “Zombie Scrum”

Agility means proactively shaping change for companies

For companies, agility means the ever-present ability not only to react quickly to change, but to proactively shape change.

Agility in companies through continuous learning, feedback processes and a tolerant error culture

Continuous learning based on feedback processes creates an environment that is perceived as positive in terms of efficiency, quality and simplicity – and leads to perfect cooperation.

With a modern value system, an agile framework also establishes a tolerant error culture: In accordance with the lean startup approach, errors are understood as part of the learning process and should enable genuine innovations.

Digital Transformation with Large-Scale Agile Frameworks

If you are looking for a practical methodology based on real project experience, you will find a guide to implementing digital transformation in your company in the specialist book on digital transformation “Large-Scale Agile Frameworks – Agile Frameworks, Agile Infrastructure and Pragmatic Solutions for Digital Transformation”.
Large-Scale Agile Frameworks - Book Springer-Vieweg - Agile Transformations for Business & Organizations.

Practical tips & recommendations for digital transformation

Digital Transformation with Large-Scale Agile Frameworks, which are practical process models and directly usable recommendations based on real project experiences of countless IT projects.
The typical problems and issues that project participants and stakeholders face during digital transformation will be discussed. Agile prioritization is regularly a challenge for all involved.
You will learn how to define clearly defined goals for the digital transformation of your organization and thus actively shape the change to agile ways of working. In doing so, the importance of agile processes and the Large-Scale Agile Frameworks will be detailed step by step.
All relevant agile concepts and basic terms are explained. The Action Design Research method provides you with a modern approach to practice-oriented problem solving in organizations.
By |2023-03-24T16:12:15+01:0017. December 2022|Digital transformation, Digitization|0 Comments

About the Author:

Ich bin Sascha Block – IT-Architekt in Hamburg und Autor von Large-Scale Agile Frameworks - Agile Frameworks, agile Infrastruktur und pragmatische Loesungen zur digitalen Transformation. Ich möchte dazu beitragen Agilität in Organisationen und das agile Mindset zu verbreiten. Nur so gelingt uns eine erfolgreiche digitale Transformation. Mit meinem Unternehmen der INZTITUT GmbH unterstütze ich OpenSource und mit dem Projekt Rock the Prototype leiste ich dazu einen aktiven Beitrag. Ich möchte Prototyping erlernbar und erfahrbar machen. Mit der Motivation Ideen prototypisch zu verwirklichen und Wissen rund um Software-Prototyping, Softwarearchitektur und Softwareentwicklung zu teilen, habe ich das Format und die Open-Source Initiative Rock the Prototype geschaffen.

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